Media Contacts:MaKlay Simon, Public Relations Consultant for GHRA and GHRCF
325 262 1862 mobile, maklay@penninoandpartners.com
Laura Pennino, Senior Public Relations Consultant for GHRA and GHRCF
713 419 1776 mobile, lp@penninoandpartners.com
Greater Houston Retailers Charitable Foundation to Host 10th Annual
Golf Tournament April 15 at Sweetwater Country Club
Benefitting Families of First Responders Who Died in the Line of Duty;
Individual and Team Slots Still Available
HOUSTON, Texas (April 9, 2024) — Greater Houston Retailers Charitable Foundation (GHRCF), the charitable organization founded by Greater Houston Retailers Association (GHRA), is hosting its 10th Annual GHRCF Golf Tournament on Monday, April 15. The tournament will attract almost 300 participants who will play in foursomes at Sweetwater Country Club located at 4400 Palm Royale Blvd. in Sugar Land. Registration begins at 7 a.m. CT, with a shotgun start at 8 a.m. CT. Follow this link to register.
Total capacity for this tournament is 288 players, and openings for 21 teams of four (84 player slots) are available as of now. The cost to participate is $300 per person or $1,200 per team of four. The registration fee covers breakfast, snacks, assorted beverages, and an awards luncheon. Funds raised through tournament proceeds benefit the families of first responders who have lost their lives in the line of duty.
“Our fundraising goal is $200,000 this year. This tournament honors first responders who dedicate their lives to serving and protecting others. It helps us to advance our foundation’s mission of providing support to Houston area law enforcement officers, firefighters, and their families,” commented Shahinda Maredia, marketing supervisor for GHRA. Maredia joined GHRA 12 years ago and is responsible for planning the annual golf tournament as well as other GHRA events.
Maredia added: “GHRA and GHRCF leaders enjoy hosting this event, which is always well received. This tournament represents one of many ways that we demonstrate our commitment to giving back to the communities in which GHRA member businesses operate. It also presents a great way for us to continue to engage with our community partners and our suppliers and to strengthen our relationships with them.”
A limited number of sponsorship opportunities are available, ranging from $7,500 to $10,000.
About GHRCF and GHRAGHRCF was founded by Greater Houston Retailers Cooperative Association, Inc. (GHRA). GHRA is a cooperative of independently owned convenience store owners in the greater Houston area. A key component of GHRA’s mission is to give back to the community in which GHRA members operate. Through this purpose, GHRA members formed GHRCF. GHRA appreciates the dedication and hard work of first responders who serve and protect GHRA members’ families and businesses. Please visit www.ghrcf.org and www.ghraonline.com for more information.